Oak Island ghostly orbs

For hundreds of years, Oak Island has been associated with ghostly folklore and superstition, perhaps to keep people away from the mysterious Money Pit. Although this section cannot constitute and evidence based feature on the Oak Island mystery in the traditional sense, the following images offer a fascinating new dimension to the legend which has perhaps never been considered before.

A selection of photographs have come to the attention of Oak Island Treasure, which all feature strange light anomalies, or ‘orbs’.

What is an orb?

Oak Island Orb
Oak Island Orb

Commonly associated with spirit manifestations, these strange lights which appear usually on digital photos are thought to be an essence of spiritual energy. Skeptics are quick to dismiss such formations as dust or water particles, or even insects reflecting to flash photography. Those wishing to know more should check out www.theorbzone.com where you can find a scientific overview of this phenomenon.

So, is Oak Island haunted?

Good question. To believe Oak Island is haunted, one must believe in ghosts – a topic which is open to fierce debate. The recent night time tour of Oak Island at Explore Oak Island Days by clairvoyant, the late Eugenia Macer Story did not produce startling effects, but there are those who have lived on Oak Island and have been profoundly affected by strange, paranormal experiences.

We hope you enjoy the following photos, kindly donated by forum members and the Oak Island Tourism Society. We don’t claim that Oak Island is haunted, or that these strange shapes may be any more than dust, but this is a phenomenon which remains unexplained, and it is happening on Oak Island.

Why not judge for yourself?

Image kindly supplied by forum member, Petey, taken at Explore Oak Island Days, August 2007.
Image kindly supplied by forum member, Petey, taken at Explore Oak Island Days, August 2007.
Image with kind permission of Marguerite Gyatt, and with thanks to the Oak Island Tourism Society  Explore Oak Island Days 2007
Image with kind permission of Marguerite Gyatt, and with thanks to the Oak Island Tourism Society
Explore Oak Island Days 2007


Image with kind permission of Scott Clarke, and with thanks to the Oak Island Tourism Society  Explore Oak Island Days 2005
Image with kind permission of Scott Clarke, and with thanks to the Oak Island Tourism Society
Explore Oak Island Days 2005
Image with kind permission of Scott Clarke, and with thanks to the Oak Island Tourism Society  Explore Oak Island Days 2005
Image with kind permission of Scott Clarke, and with thanks to the Oak Island Tourism Society
Explore Oak Island Days 2005

It is worth pointing out that Oak Island Treasure feels sadness for those who have lost their lives in the quest for treasure on Oak Island. Every effort has been made to contact relatives of those who died, who were in fact warmed by the thought that their family could indeed be spending their afterlife on the Island. We express deepest sympathy with those families and the following content has been created with the utmost respect for those who lost their lives.

Read a transcribed interview with Peggy and Charlotte Adams who lived on Oak Island and actually saw strange sights while living on the island, exclusive to Oak Island Treasure. Peggy Adams was a young girl living on the island and reported seeing ‘a crowd of men’ in ‘funny looking clothes’. The following file is a transcribed interview between him and Charlotte and her daughter Peggy Adams.